Robert Kearns’ Obsession in Fighting for Recognition in Flash of Genius Movie

  • Jerli Hasundungan English Literature Department, Faculty of Tourism and Language, Universitas Pertiwi
  • Priyoto Priyoto English Literature Department, Faculty of Tourism and Language, Universitas Pertiwi
  • Sahril Mujani English Literature Department, Faculty of Tourism and Language, Universitas Pertiwi
Keywords: recognition, frustration, Obsession


The purpose of this study was to analyze know the causes of Robert Kearns   the causes of Robert Kearns obsession to obsess in gaining recognition.

 This research uses qualitative methods. The object used in this study is a film namely Flash of Genius film. The data collected is obtained from the results of watching the film and sorting out the scenes and dialogues or utterances in the film. The results showed that Robert Kearns experienced some psychological problems which include having mind set all the time, self-doubt, Self-worth, Project delays and abandonment, steering clear of challenges and maintaining a facade at all times


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How to Cite
Hasundungan, J., Priyoto, P., & Mujani, S. (2024). Robert Kearns’ Obsession in Fighting for Recognition in Flash of Genius Movie. JELL (Journal of English Language and Literature) STIBA-IEC Jakarta, 9(01), 113-118.