The Effectiveness of Vocabulary Mastery and Grammar Management on English Description Text Writing Skills
This study is an attempt to determine the effect of vocabulary and grammar management on English description text writing skill at SMKN 1 Indramayu. This research is to answer the questions: 1) How are the students’ writing skills at SMKN 1 Indramayu? 2) How is the influence of students’ descriptive text writing skills at SMKN 1 Indramayu? 3) How effective is vocabulary to improve English description text writing skills at SMKN 1 Indramayu? 4)How effective is grammar management to improve English description text writing skills at SMKN 1 Indramayu? The method used is survey. The inference analysis used is descriptive correlational research and multiple linear regression. The population in this study was 266 and a sample 70 respondents were taken from grade XI. The results of this study are proven by the acquisition of Sig. = 0.000 <0.05 and F observe = 192,939. 2) There is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery on English descriptive text writing skills, this is proven by the acquisition of Sig. = 0.000 <0.05 and T observe = 10,831. 3) There is a significant effect of grammar mastery o English descriptive text writing skills, this is proven by the acquisition of Sig. 0.000 <0.05 and T observe = 6.984.
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