Investigating Types of Moral Value in Children of Heaven Movie Directed by Majid Majidi

  • Sarsono Sarsono English Literature Department, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing – IEC Jakarta
  • Ardy Satrio Gutomo English Literature Department, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing – IEC Jakarta
  • Abdulloh Abdulloh Logistic Department, Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi
  • Slamet Basuki English Literature Department, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing – IEC Jakarta
Keywords: Moral, Moral Value, Children of Heaven


The Objective   of the research is to find out the types of moral values and to find out the most dominant type of moral value in the Children of Heaven  movie by Majid Majidi. The writer use descriptive qualitative method to get the objective of the study. The  researchers   have collected the data from the script of “Children of Heaven” movie by Majid Majidi. In Conclusion of the researcher founding and result there some types of moral values. The categories found are 6 from Caring for other living thing and environment, 3 from Respect and caring for others, 2 from Commitment to something greater than oneself, and 1 from Self-respect, but with humbleness or respect to others, self-discipline, and acceptance of personal responsibility. Faith & Courage values don’t have any dialogue in this movie, but there is a scene for each both Faith and Courage which represent them. And the most dominant moral value occurred in the Children of Heaven movie by  Majid Majidi is Caring for other living thing and environment with 6 data.


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How to Cite
Sarsono, S., Gutomo, A., Abdulloh, A., & Basuki, S. (2024). Investigating Types of Moral Value in Children of Heaven Movie Directed by Majid Majidi. JELL (Journal of English Language and Literature) STIBA-IEC Jakarta, 9(01), 175-184.